A Message from Jerri Blank
Hello, my name is Jerri Blank, and I'm a 46 year old high school freshman here at Flatpoint High, home of the Concrete Donkey, which is missing.
For thirty-two years, I was a teenage runaway. I was a BOOZER, a USER, and a LOSER. My friends were dealers, cons and 18-carat pimps. I had more fun than a stainless steel barrel full of laboratory monkeys.
But now I'm out jail, picking up my life excatly where I left off. I'm back in high school, living at home and discovering al sorts of things about my body. I'm finding out that though the faces have changed, the hassles are just the same.
Which brings me to my point. If you're going through some hassles, I'm here to help. There's nothing you've been dealing with--assault & battery, purse snatching, threatening a federal officer with a broom handle, indecent exposure, small arms smuggling, assualt & battery, blackmail, transportation of a hot young minor across state lines, gambling, smashing the warden's head repeatedly against her desk, and every kind of drug, alcohol and animal abuse--that I haven't been through myself.
So write me with your pathetic little problems. Sure I may laugh and show them to all my friends. But I also answer with some advice. Or not. Who the hell knows.
Yours Truly,

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