Welcome to your home for classic and current movies

This web site is a tribute to all things cinematic.
We at American Cinema love movies and all that goes with them.

Here you can find movie trivia, great scenes in screenplay format,
a Hall of Fame, movie reviews, and other similar pages.

Please feel free to put this web site in your favorites, and return often,
because we update constantly.

Favorite Screenplay

Which was your favorite screenplay of 1999?

American Beauty
Being John Malkovich
The Green Mile
The Insider
The Sixth Sense

Current Results

Steven Spielberg
Coming Soon!! A special site devoted to one of my favorite directors, Steven Spielberg

All About Me
Find out all about the guy who created this website

Great American Cinema Movie Quotes Quiz
See how many of these movie quotes you recognize

The Library
This is a collection of some of my favorite movie-related books

The Film Vault
A growing list of movies I recommend

Hollywood Timeline
A year-by-year account of the big events in Tinseltown history

Oscars 1998
A look at the Academy Awards from 1998

Movie Trivia
Test your knowledge of general movie trivia questions

Great Scenes
Transcriptions of some of cinema's greatest moments

Billy Wilder
A tribute to my all-time favorite director

1998 Toronto Film Festival
Here's what I thought of the Film Festival in Toronto

Why I love letterboxing and you should, too

Stanley Kubrick
A tribute to the late, great director

Gene Siskel
A tribute to the late, great film critic

The Hall Of Fame
I induct one worthy honoree into my Hall of Fame each month

American Film Institute
My page devoted to the respected film organization

Star Wars
Why I loved Star Wars, and why I didn't love The Phantom Menace

Movie Web Sites
A growing list of official web sites for new films

Here's another great sight on the web devoted to Classic movies


Click here to go to the Internet Movie Database

This is the most useful movie information site on the web,
full of complete star filmographies and movie cast lists.
If you have a question, you can probably find the answer here.

Send E-Mail to Rich at American Cinema

The Movie Ring

This Movie Ring site
is owned by Richard Wolfe.

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