The Todd, Blair, Starr and Jack Page

The original site dedicated to One Life to Live's Manning Family


Kristen Alderson (Starr Manning) signed a five year contract with One Life to Live in Spring 2001!
Kassie DePaiva (Blair Manning) re-signed her contract for another four years in Fall 2001.

8-16-02: Roger last airs on OLTL in September. His first episode of "Dawson's Creek" will be Oct. 2. He will be in at least 3 episodes.
9-23-02: Todd is back on OLTL in October! According to the show, he was just taking a break.
6-26-03: Roger Howarth has joined the cast of "As The World Turns." His first airdate is in July.


6-26-03: The "Memories" section has been updated with a new fan submission.
8-16-02: I've added a link

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Kristen Alderson ("Starr") was here! Read what she has to say in "The Actors" section.

Both pictures courtesy of Aipar

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