SOD 12/4/01: The Neverending Story

DePaiva On The Long and Winding Road:

When Blair met Todd, how did she feel about his rapist past?
"Blair wasn’t one to judge. Todd was exciting. She had always been such an outcast, and he accepted her. And in turn, that made her accept him for who he was. She knew he wasn’t perfect, and she liked that."

What is the continuing attraction between them?
"That they’re both outsiders, and they understand each other. They’re better together than they are separate."

Was Blair jealous of Tea?
"She didn’t like her. Blair felt that she stole her life and her daughter away. She loved Todd, and she loves her daughter, and Tea came in and tried to be a Blair wannabe."

Why do they have such a hard time getting together for any length of time?
"Because both of them are so afraid of being hurt and being left alone. And the trust factor is a big deal."

Have you disagreed with the story path over the years?
"Yeah. The start of Blair not telling him she was pregnant with his child, and his taking Starr away and kicking Blair out of the house--that was mean stuff that Todd and Blair wouldn’t really do to each other."

Are Blair and Todd soul mates?
"Yes. Their connection is so deeply rooted. Less is more with them. They don’t even need dialogue to speak. What they don’t say speaks volumes."

Blair's now had two kids with Todd. Is he the man she always envisioned being a father to her children?
"If you’re part of the Addams Family, yes. They’re not the all-American, loving, white-picket-fence kind of family, but what they feel is real and they don’t hold anything back."