
Hello World, and welcome to mine! ;-)

Sections of mine:
First of all, you might like to learn 'About me', and eventually, my family history. (It'll be good reading then)
Go to my page of 'Movie magic'. Read my phenomenonly short reviews about recent(ish) films...  and follow my links to the companies that make them!

And of course, as we all know, alot of movies are based on books. And where's a great place to find books ?  Why..... 

Books Music  Enter keywords... logo 

of course!
And not just books that were the basis for movies, but almost any book you could think of!
(Biggest online bookstore too, that lot!) Or at least.... that's what I've heard...

Or maybe you prefer to read about the 'Video Games' that I like to play... 
and follow my links to the companies that makes them!

Then again, there's always 'Comic Books' that I used to read.

Still not impressed ?
Then here's a short list of what I think are the 'Greatest Web Inventions of Recent Times'...
and follow my links to th...  Oh, you get the picture!

AIM - Icq - Quicktime - Real Player - Shockwave - Winamp

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Last, but not least, check out some of my friends pages here! :-)

Hit me: Everyone else has! ;-P
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Ok,  people have been here, for real.
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Ian Hollis
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