
Welcome to the multimedia part of this site! Soon I hope to have more animations, sound clips from the movie, desktop wallpaper and other things here for you. So check back in a few days!


Smaller Version... Quicktime, 2MB

Larger Version... Quicktime, 6MB

.AVI Version... .avi, 4.6 MB



Made by me.


These are made by me... they work great as desktop wallpaper. Just select the collage you like, and when it opens up, left- click on your mouse and select "set as wallpaper" if you wish.

Sound Clips

In wav format

"Somebody's in trouble..."

Songs From the Trailer

Not included in the soundtrack...

A sample from the "Mummers' Dance" By Loreena McKennitt

"Fable" (midi) by Robert Miles

Don't forget to visit my Picture Gallery and Soundtrack page for even more downloads!

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