This is an irreverant romantic comedy which explores how
love and passion evolve over the course of a developing
relationship. The story is told by interlacing action
with comments by characters and various onlookers who
range from Dr. Joyce Brothers to Shakespeare and John Donne
address the camera to give their opinions about the romance
in progress. Mr. Curry pops up as a know it all angel sent by
Cupid to bring together couples who are meant for each other.
His sardonic comments have a sophisticated ring after Steve
and Megan's silly antics.
This is a sweet movie. In the cutest scene in the movie, Tim
gets a call on his red cupid-phone to go help Megan and Steve
try one last time to become a couple. His idea of subtle help
is to give Steve a huge shove, causing him to 'meet' Megan.
Steve's 'best-friend' steals the tiny bit of the movie Mr.
Curry hasn't already taken. Question: is Jennifer Grey a
midget????? She is certainly very short!
Tim fans get the double treat of seeing him both with and
without the beard.