Chat transcript from the Miss. America Pagent
OnlineHost: Copyright 1998 America Online, Inc.
All : Rights Reserved.
OnlineHost: Live, from Entertainment Asylum, talk to 'N SYNC LIVE from the "Miss Teen
USA Pageant." 'N SYNC will be taking questions LIVE so send them in using fun in the Entertainment Asylum!
: Keyword: Asylum
EAMC Host: Keyword:NSync
OnlineHost: Live, from Entertainment Asylum, talk to 'N SYNC LIVE from the "Miss Teen USA Pageant." 'N SYNC will be taking questions LIVE so send them in using the PARTICIPATE IN EVENT button on your chat screen. Check out the fun in the Entertainment Asylum! : Keyword: Asylum
EAMC Host: Right now we are talking to Lance and Joey of *N SYNC
EAMC Host: here is a question from surge23422
Question: how did it change or have a effect on your life when you became famous
EA *N Sync: We don't have that much private life...
EA *N Sync: and not enough sleep!
EAMC Host: here is question from msu babe 1
Question: Is it hard traveling on tour to have time to spend with
family and friends?!
EA *N Sync: Sometimes our family comes out on the road...
EA *N Sync: to visit us.
EAMC Host: motordrvby
Question: What other bands do you guys like?