What did people learn from this severe war?

    When the United States fought in Vietnam, it was organized modern technology versus organized human beings, and the human beings won.--April 30, 1972, Vietnam War was over.

   In Jan.27 1973, Four-party Vietnam peace pacts were signed in Paris.


1970/Egyptian President Gamal Abdal Nasser accepts an American Peace Proposal for the Middle East.

1971/South Vietnamese forces begin an offensive in Cambodia with American support.

1972/Sporadic violence in Northern Ireland takes off on "Bloody Sunday."
-President Nixon made a historic visit too USSR.

1973/Direct American involvement in Vietnam ends with the January declaration of a ceasefire.
-A global energy crisis,"Oil Crisis",OPECC limited the quantity of oil production

1974/OPEC jacks up oil prices.
-India successfully detonates an atomic bbomb and becomes the 5th nuclear power in the world.
-Turkish forces invade Cyprus.
-Inflation is climbing around the world.<

1975/The last American troops leaves Vietnam as North Vietnamese troops complete an invasion of South Vietnam and unite both countries under Communist rules.

1976/The U.S vetoes a United Nations Security Council resolution that proposes total Israeli withdrawal from Arab areas.

1977/Ethiopian President General Teferi Benti is killed in a council meeting.
-The world's last-known case of smallpox appears in Somalia.

1978/The world's first test-tube baby is born in London.
-U.S. President,Egyptian Presiden, and Issraeli Prime Minister reach the Camp David Accord.

1979/The Afghanistan invasion by the Soviet Union
Egyptian President and Israel's Prime Ministersign a peace treaty.
-The Iranian Shah flees Iran, and Shiite Muslim leader Ayatollah Khomeini invades in iran.


***In the U.S.***

The U.S. presidents
1969-74/Richard Nixon
1974-77/Gerald R. Ford
1977-81/jimmy Carter


1970/Music: Jimi Hendrix and Janis joplin both die.
-The Environmental Protection Agency (EPAA) is created by Congress to control air and water pollution.

1971/The 26th Amendment lowers the United States' voting age from 21 to 18.
-President Nixon announced a "New Economiic Policy" concerned about inflation.

1972/The Senate approves the Equal Rights Amendment, guaranteeing equality for women.

1973/The towring World Trade Center becomes New York City's latest calling card.

1974/ Watergate scandals: Aug. 9,President Nixon resigned: Illegal activity involving scores of Nixon's advisers.
-The Election Reform Act

1975/Disco reign over the dancing scene as people do "the Hustles."
-Music: The Bee Gees, Donna Summer
1976/"Roots" is written by Alex Haley, becoming one of the most well-known narratives of slavery. (also,TV series)

1977/Movie: "Annie Hall" by Woody Allen, "Close Encounters of the third Kind" by Steven Spielberg

1978/98% of all American households have a TV.

1979/A nuclear-related accident at Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania.
-TV: "Dallas","Dynasty", "Knots Landing"<


    The reinvigoration of New Deal liberalism, the civil rights and feminist movements,and its gradual exhaustion in the 1970s continued the debate over government's responsibilities and the quest for social and economic equality.It is a debate that still preoccupies the American people. ("A People's History of the Unites States" by Howard Zinn)

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