The World According to
Visual Purple

The following text is mere opinions on behalf of the visual purple crew.  This is the raw uncut feelings that visual purple has towards different issues happening these days in film and the world.  So beware before you read.  This text will change regularly.


( An email from Glenn Shaheen to Matt Killian )

Another nail in the grave of brilliant picture and one million dpi; Sundance is projecting all
of it's entries next month in crappy digital. I know I shouldn't judge something before I see
it, but just the technical specs are enough for me to say "PU". Eh. All of the indie filmmakers
no doubt will try to jump on dirty Lucas' bandwagon and tout how much they loooove digital.
Curse those sheep, and curse their shephard Lucas.

Glenn Shaheen


    To whom it may concern,
            I must complain to the re-makers of  Psycho.  I have been sick to my stomach for the past twelve hours due to the preview pushing Halloween.  Now don't  get me wrong, I'm all for pride in the classics, and I'm all for good horror films, but all this re-make bullshit is getting out of hand,  and now you've gone too far.  In the past eight years I've seen more re-makes of old T.V. shows and movies than I've heard "My Heart Will Go On".  (If you have not been listening to the radio, that's a lot) This new version of Psycho may turn out to be a very good film.  It may win best picture and go on the AFI list of the top 100 of all time, but it well never surpass the original! And to anyone else who plans to re-make something in the next 10 years...give it a rest.  Of course that's just my opinion.

Matt Killian


-- To whom it may concern at the organization known as truth ( tobacco prevention florida ).  It has come to my attention that your organization has started broadcasting commercials that are against tobacco.  While I am a non-smoker, I have found myself apalled of their nature.  I think your organization has in it's opening moments lost touch of what it's goals were originally.  That goal, to help educate teens about the risk of smoking, has turned into an all out brawl with the companies who support tobacco.  It seems that truth has lost complete base of it's original intentions.  I am also concerned about the measures taken within the commercials,  the fact that the organization is blaming film and advertising for our worlds faults.  It appears to me that your organization can not expect the truth of the matter.  I encourage your group to re-think the plans and wishes of the organization.  It is one thing to fight, but it is another to know how to fight right.  I would like to help your organization and it's attempts to help people learn about tobacco, but you must realize that smoking is not forced on you, it is a choice.

Jeremy Farnell


- To the directors and producers of the new remake disaster of Psycho.  I am not really sure whose idea this was and how it came to be, but it seems the only thing that comes to my mind is boycott.  I think somewhere that I read said, that the parties involved with this film really think they can do a whip up nineties job to the great Hitchcock version of Psycho, but to me it is plain stupidity.  Why is it, that we think that we can remake movies that weren't bad or out dated in the first place?  I think I heard they want it to be made like Scream.  We'll scream is scream and psycho is psycho.  Good Luck! You'll need it.

Jeremy Farnell


 If you have any questions about the text above or you feel you have a  issue that visual purple should cover.  Then let us know.     Visual Purple