The Julie Andrews Obsession Page

Welcome to All the Julie Fans out there!
Hi I'm Chrissy.
This page is dedicated to Julie Andrews who is the most talented person on earth!

Julie News!!

Julie has been named on Britain's Honours List and has been made a dame. Congratulations to Dame Julie Andrews!!!

The reason why I decided to do this Julie home page as there is just not enough web pages dedicated to Julie. Whatever she does, whether it is singing, acting or dancing, she is just fantastic and I hope this pays just a tiny tribute to a wonderful lady!

Email me at in the meantime.
Also if anyone is on ICQ, you can contact me as my number is 22556428 and we can chat about Julie!!

Please come back soon and visit me.

Click here for
Julie's Movies
Julie's Music
Photo Gallery 1
Photo Gallery 2
Photo Gallery 3
Photo Gallery 4
Julie's Life
Links to Other Julie Pages

Things to come
My Julie Things
Julie on the Stage
Julie on TV

An address where people can write to Julie is

Julie Andrews
PO Box 491668
Los Angeles
CA 90049

This page has been visited by people since 9/8/98.

This Sound of Music
site is owned byChrissy Donald

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