Not mine: this species belongs to George and Harrison...okay, mostly Harrison
S. hanus can be recognized by his wardrobe choice, which NEVER changes with the exception of a brief period when he may be found in a white candy-coated shell. As this look doesn't allow for accessories such as FM boots and a swanky walk, S. hanus quickly discards this shell in favour of his standard uniform of white shirt, dark pants with the-follow-the-yellow-line-to-the-action-baby piping, and black vest with handy-dandy pockets.
In these pockets he no doubt keeps his collection of baseball cards, lucky rabbit's foot key-ring, asthma inhaler, and accumulation of speeding tickets, amassed while attempting to break the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs. (This, as we all know, is a bullshit record, as parsecs are a measure of distance, not time. But, this claim seems to work with the chicks and any naïve hayseeds who happen to come down the pike.) Let's face it folks: he may not look like much, but he's got it where it counts.
S. hanus is well known to have scoundrelous behaviour. He will never miss an opportunity to be charming, dashing and endearing. (Of course, the Ewoks attempt to do the same, but with disastrous results.) He is known to be mercenary, irreverent and easy to pick up in bars. He has a tendency to be rash, yet he certainly has courage. His need for bachelatory freedom and penchant for wealthy women seem to take turns driving his ego. He leaves chaos in his path, which explains his constant apologies for making messes.
Always sarcastic, it is nearly impossible to mistake an off-hand remark for an honest one. (These are easily identifiable, as they are said in a fake, almost scripted manner.) They are also usually about subjects for which, S. hanus cares little or with which he has limited experience. For those wanting a more in-depth look at this phenomenon, see references to "reward-keeping", promotion to "General" (no, not THE General, ladies- just relax), and trying to be gallant while erroneously yet altruistically attempting to pawn off his friend to his booty.
Speaking of friends, S. hanus has a very disreputable collection of them. His closest companion is over 8 feet tall and covered in hair. Rumour has it this side-kick took up with S. hanus after being forced to give up a lucrative career as a professional basketball player due to a string of illegitimate children fathered to Hooter's waitresses. At last report, Chewbacca was in talks over a pro-wrestling contract. S. hanus' other close friend has been arrested a number of times (no convictions) for buying run-down systems which have filed for Chapter 11, then sprucing them up and selling them to dictatorial regimes for a much increased sum. This he has done on several occasions, the latest being Ekos. (C'mon, ST-TOS fans, you'll figure it out eventually.)
His latest acquaintance has some family issues to work out as well as having the bad luck to have everyone around him die. (As the GG archivist, the author is particularly peeved about this.) Consequently, S.hanus spends less and less time with him as their friendship progresses.
S. hanus is ubiquitous. Although he travels extensively, he can usually be found in disreputable drinking establishments and (almost all, but not every) spaceship-repair shops throughout the galaxy. S.hanus has been known to spend a great deal of time asleep (mostly between shootouts and bouts of filming). This he usually prefers doing while encased in carbonite. It was first thought he might be hibernating to conserve strength and energy which he uses in mass quantities in order to avoid any Imperial entanglements, but it has since been discovered that it's just a ruse to avoid C3PO and the telephone company.
Finally, though often attempting to get there, S. hanus spends very little time in hyperspace.
Dietary Habits
Drinking. More drinking. Even more drinking. That table has since been bronzed and a plaque now hangs above the chair.
Mating Habits
Well, here is where S. hanus lets the side down. Despite an opportunity to get next to a variety of women, S. hanus waits until George has written out any kind of spine Leia may have had before making his move. Oh, sure, he hypothesizes about a guy like himself and a princess, but it is unclear whether or not he had true feelings about her then or was just trying to wind up an already fragile psyche. After all, his buddy has had a rather a tough day- but this author isn't going there (see above remark about being peeved off). Therefore, when our boy does finally make his move, he waits for a chance when their relationship is less contentious than usual, his only competition is a large space slug, and his object d'amour has just suffered a boo-boo on her hand.
That about wraps it up for the courtship stage. Most women prefer flowers, expensive jewelry, and respect, but S. hanus goes for the "ok, I may be hunted by every low-life looking to make a good impression on the local law, but I'm such a wonderful guy that you should just stick your tongue down my throat anyway" approach. Of course, it works and any kind of personality our heroine might have had, disappears in a puff of estrogen.