bang bang bang!! HAHAHAH!!!! DIE LEO!!!

hello, we are leohaters. (notice the plural) we have a few things to tell you.

1. we are a group of 2 leo-haters.
2. this site is only for humour.
3. We ARE NOT jelous of leo. If we we're jelous, why would we make site like this?
4. number 1 leo-hater is, marine angel, number 2 leo-hater is kioshi. a few warnings.

1. this site is only intended for humour.
2. don't actually take it seriously.
3. if you don't think that it's humourous, please e-mail me at: and i will apologize, and explain why I have made this site.

Fair? then ENTER!! if not fair, then please go away. thanx.

marine angel and Kioshi.

You are visitor number to my anti-leo site. thanks for visiting!

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