Welcome to HOLLYWOOD4EVR's
Denise Richards Page

Welcome here to this new web site about Denise Richards. I just signed up for this web page recently, and have a ton of stuff to put up here. So, if any of you Denise Richard fans out there can help me with info on here, please let me know. Especially if your the REAL Denise just checking on "YOUR" sites. Take care and again, WELCOME. Happy Surfing !!! John.


Hey guys, thanks for visiting my page. This site is still under some major construction, so come back again. If you guys have any new pics of Denise, please let me know. Well for now, see you guys later. Oh yeah, and if you have a web page for Denise, let me know, I'll put up a link for you. See you later
  1. The other Geocities Page
  2. My Prodigy Site
  3. Playboy's Site
  4. Proceed with Caution
  5. Elizabeth Hurley Site

    Enter Here For Some Pictures of D.R.

Hey guys, everyone who gets to this page, I am still constructing this page as fast as possible. Now, If you would like to see your link on this page, please let me know. As I will try and update every Friday. When I'm off from work. Talk to guys later. Oh yeah, e-mail me by clicking below:

E-mail me here

This page has been hit times since September 18, 1998

This site was last updated: July 13, 1999 @ 9:48pm