
"Oh no, Justin, you messed up my hair! I'll never be able to fix it. Oh wait [Mandu ruffles her hair a second]- oh, look. It's back to normal."
Mandy is, well, Mandy! She's yet another person I met just this year. First I tried to think about how I met her, but I had no idea. Then I tried to think of a memorable quote that would characterize how I knew her, and I had no idea. Regardless, I like hanging out with Mandy, I just really have no idea why.

One thing that does stand out is when Jon and Elissa's small group went ice skating, I was innocently skating along, minding my own business, when suddenly Mandy skated up to me and then sideswiped me. Since I'm not a particularly graceful person, I scrabbled at the ice for a second trying to get my footing, and then my feet flew out from under me and I slammed into the ice right in the middle of a HUGE PUDDLE - I was totally soaked! Mandy skated to a stop beside me, showering me with snow and said, "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that," and then skated off into the night, laughing maniacally. I respect sadistic insanity. Maybe that's why I like hanging out with Mandy.

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