One Line ASCII
One Line ASCII It don't get much easier than this... ... until you try and make one from scratch. :>o<: ascii x-wing ©1998 RebelPilot |-o-| TIE Fighter ©1998 RebelPilot (-o-) TIE Advanced ©1998 RebelPilot (=Oo=) TIE Bomber ©1998 RebelPilot (<>) Front view of the Sith Infiltrator. ©1999 RebelPilot o<I=I> The Millennium Falcon. ©1999 RebelPilot o-+-- B-Wing ©1999 Jim from NY O=<^>=O Y-wing, front view ©1999 Jose Luis Parada <(-_-)> Yoda ©1999 Jose Luis Parada __(/////@ Bantha ©1999 Jose Luis Parada iAi Top View of A-Wing ©1999 RebelPilot <-o-> TIE Interceptor ©1998 John Swicegood Bruce sent in his first attempt at one-line-ascii and I've gotta say I was most impressed. In two keystrokes he summed up the ol' reliable x-wing: >< An X-wing at a distance. ©reated by Bruce :-o-: ©1998 RebelPilot and now the ridiculous: U Artoo falling from Jabba's Sail Barge towards the desert sands of the Dune Sea. ©1999 RebelPilot o- Floating Torture Droid ©2000 Tony Murphy 8=808=8 x-wing with s-foils in closed position. ©2000 Andrew Schuster :==808==: Brett Bastable's 'X-Wing with S-Foils in the closed position'. ©2000 Brett Bastable R2D2 upside down ©2000 Jan Biel :^P Qui-Gon's last words. ©2000 Josh Wiegmann Lightsaber: The weapon of a Jedi Knight. Not as clumsy or as random as a blaster... [||||||||]:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: (]HHHHHHH[:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: {|||||||||}[::::::{}::[/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::> YodaFett -======================<||[:]|[:]|[:]|[:]|||>=====================- Rob Dalton spared no expense in the construction of his double-bladed lightsaber (::::III><====================> Jedi Mistress Violin Chic {///////\\\\\\\<#>}<======================================= <}{}{}{}{}{}{}{<@>>{======================================= {HHHHHH<@>HHHHHH}[========================================= ================={|||O| |||O| |O| |||O|||}================= C@@@@@@@@@@I====================================== ===================H>::[]::::[]::<H=================== DarthCorro aka Rob Corrigan ===========[o][][o]=========== DarkSide |::o::o::o::{}========================= The Lightsaber of Jedi Master Murphy (c)2000 Tony Murphy elegant weapon for a more civilized time.