Interview With Aeris Gainsbourough, star of “Just Another Sitcom”

By AerisRose

(Awhile back, I had the privilege of meeting Aeris Gainsborough, star of Just Another Sitcom. Enjoy!)

AerisRose: Thank you Aeris, for taking the time to allow me to interview you, for the people at home. How are you?

Aeris Gainsborough: (giggles) You’re very welcome. And I’m fine, thank you.

AR: What is it like working on a hit late night sitcom?

AG: It’s a wonderful experience. Working with the other members of the cast, working with the director, it’s just so much fun!

AR: I can imagine. What is it like to work with one of the world’s most cutest guys, Cloud Strife?

AG: He is SUCH a nice guy! Working with him is wonderful.

AR: In the show, you and Cloud are getting married. Do you have a relationship in real-life?

AG: Yes, in fact, we do. But not as serious as in the show, but I think that should change in a few months.

AR: I certainly hope so! You’re one lucky girl. If I was older and better-looking, I’d say that you’d have some competition on your hands. (laughs)

AG: (laughs) You’d be pretty tough!

AR: What is it like to work with Yuffie? Is she like her character in the show? Do you know if she really has feelings towards Vincent?

AG: Yuffie’s character in the show… well, I’d say that she’s ok to work with. She can be fun, but sometimes she’s late for the taping, and she’d screw up the schedule. I don’t really think that she and Vincent have a relationship, from what I’ve heard.