Welcome to
FUBAR D. Robot's
Entertainment Homepage.
Here's the CELEBRITY Lineup!

Scroll down to see these stars cozying up to your cyberhost
and to learn the secrets of moi, FUBAR D. Robot!
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I desperately wanted to change this but with only 3 fingers I found the double click function rather challenging. Check back soon to see if I ever get it.
Contact me anytime!
And remember, if a
human replies delete the email without saving!


Better yet, invite one of my robot friends to cause utter chaos on your college campus!

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Celebrity Trivia - The Answers!
Sure you got the easy ones, but how about Mr. NYPD Blue, Rick Schroder? He and I starred in Silver Spoons back when the TRS-80 was for power users and tape backup had another meaning (yes, kids, we really did used to put all our data on cassette tapes!).
OK these were the easy ones . . .
ABOVE - Me, Kenny and his two wives, but that's another story.
RIGHT - You'd be surprised how many people go to the same
barber shop as me! And to think, I coulda been a contender.
LOWER RIGHT - My TV Guide listing for the Merv Griffen Show.
Ratings were low, but we were up against Mister Rogers dammit.
BELOW - Ayyyyyyyyy, it's Da Fonz! (and boy does he hate it
when you call him that)
But admit it, this one stumped you!

It's Tori Spelling, her brother and her Dad. Her Dad decided to make Alf a star that year instead of me. I retired to Mexico to write and meditate preparing for my come back in the new Millennium. Stay tuned!
Google - The ULTIMATE search engine

- The ULTIMATE metasearch engine

- My humble beginnings

6 foot tall, 600 lb robots for your parties and events!

Robots With Class
An educational site about robot teachers in the classroom

Buying computer stuff?
You'd be crazy not to start with this free price comparison engine.
How do you think I saved enough to buy my car?
1. Eating spaghetti and ball bearings
2. Wearing my steel wool sweater in the wintertime.
3. Getting an oil job.
4. Playing twister

I also like girls who put a drop of WD-40 behind each ear.