Storyline Central: Rosario Jewels

Storyline Host:
Drew Murphy

Last Updated:
October 18, 1999

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A priest with a past secret returned home to Sunset Beach. The wife of an international jewel thief rescued from a capsized cruise ship. The town's socalite elite held hands and chanted. What do all of these people have in common?

The cursed jewels from the Rosario Madonna.

Here you'll find all you need to know (and perhaps more) about these jewels, the people who came into contact with them, and the havoc they wreaked on the small oceanside community of Sunset Beach. The green navagation bar at the bottom of the page is designed for easy travel through the pages here. There are weekly summaries from Soap Opera Digest, photo galleries of scenes from the show, and pages about the characters involved. This site is currently under construction, so you'll have to pardon the dust. If you would like to add your input, please use the Sunset Central Feedback Form.

Updated Sections

The Story
The Characters
Chants & Prayers
The Jewels

Coming Soon...


Graphics Created By Drew Murphy -- Page Content and Design Copyrighted By Sunset Central
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