All About Chip!

My name is Chip, and I have been online since February 9, 1996. At that time, I was going through kidney dialysis due to severe Type I diabetes. I am an autograph collector, a web site developer, and a Yahoo! Groups owner/moderator. I am also a Christian!

I have been a Christian ever since my college years, and have been attending the Presbyterian Church. My church is at Lakeside Presbyterian Church, where I'm the church librarian. I also help in getting speakers to the Men's Prayer Breakfast.

My Flying Trip Around the Reservoir, April, 2008

My Trip to Statesboro and Savannah, GA in November, 2004

Shots from the Navarre Beach, Florida 2004 Trip

Please Visit My Photos of My Southwest USA Trip in October, 2003

San Diego, CA Trip 2003

My KPTX Info

My Testimony

Links of Interests

Visit My EBay Auctions!

Read my Dreambook guestbook!
Sign my Dreambook!

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