I was not pleased upon hearing that Rogue would be a teenager and over half the X Men would not even be in the movie, and I was expecting a cheesy, stupid summer movie. However, I was most fortunately mistaken! The actors were great (except Halle needs to work on her Storm accent) and I was very pleased to see that the film was indeed worthy of the comic. However, I expect the sequel to have more X Men in it, preferably Gambit and the Beast. But all in all, the movie was not only quite enjoyable, but really exciting and fun, and even worth seeing again! - This review's from "Tara Brown"
Short and sweet, the X-Men movie rocks.... A nagging aching itch has been finally scratched with none other than Adamantium Claws. Hats off to everyone who laid a hand on this movie production. It isn't fair that we have to wait another 2 years for another spectacular X-Men film though. The sequel, in my opinion, should have Colossus, Angel, Gambit and the remaining cast from this one. Brilliant just brilliant! Out. - From "Soulreaver"
Hey! I just watched X-men today. I think the movie is a sure hit. About Rogue though, they gave her a name in the movie. Her alias was supposed to be unknown. I think they made a mistake there, otherwise... the movie is FANTASTIC! LOVED IT! - This one's from "Ver Ver"
All in all, it was a great movie. I expected the Wolverine character to be a dull actor but with seeing the movie, he was awesome. Rouge was a disappointment. Where was her strong accent... and they could have chosen someone better to play her other than Anna Paquin. Storm was the least "X-men" type, she was too small. We critics feel that Grace Jones would have been the perfect "Storm" for her fantastic accent and facial features. She was much more built too. The rest of the characters were phenomenal. Mystique was very excellent. The story of the characters and the story line of the movie was entertaining. It was better than the Star Wars Episode I movie that literally pulled in children at the most instead of adults who were born during that genre. The people here at Metro-Goldwyn-Meyers Studios give it 1&1/2 thumbs up. This review was made by : "Agent #3"
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