The Chan Family HomePage

Password = [dimsum99]

Francois Art Gallery

Roy Art Gallery

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Welcome to the Chan family's home page.  We live in Milton (just outside the City of Toronto), Ontario, Canada.  It is our hope that this will be an interesting place for our friends, family members and others with shared interests to visit.

This home page was launched on October 1, 1999.  The home page is a little bare right now, for we are just getting started. Later, we hope to include web pages from various family members, family trees, genealogy of the Dufour family, news of our Home Page, MP3 songs, cool animations and jokes, and a lot more family photos, as well as links to some really good fan based web pages.

Our darling daughter, Daniele was married to Astor, her high school sweetheart on Saturday, April 22, 2006. The ceremony and reception were held at The Manor (Carry Place Golf and Country Club) in Kettleby (Aurora), Ontario. Please check out her beautiful wedding albums at Kodak's EasyShare web site, The Password of their gallery is "dimsum99".

Please check out the art gallery of our son, Francois.  There are samples of his pencil sketches, drawings, air brush paintings, granite sculptures and wooden crafts, etc.  For professional services, please contact the Art Gallery directly via telephone or e-mail.

You are the visitor Counter  since October 1, 1999.  We are always happy to meet an enlightened soul!  If you sign our Guest Book, we will pay you a visit at your home page or see that you get a thank-you note.  Please feel free to view our Guest Book.  You can also reach us via emails

We hope you enjoy your visit. Please check back often, because we are always changing, growing and adding new items.

The Web Master

Web Page powered by      Homepage Last Updated on May 181, 2006   


Copyright © 2006Roy R. Chan & Associates, All Rights Reserved.


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