Drew Barrymore

UPDATE: the men section should be about halfway done soon. Right now I'm working on a page for WWF wrestlers. Also, I'm planning a major overhaul as soon as I have time. I'm sorry that there's so little stuff on this page, I have absolutely no free time. Thank you to everyone who's visited without needing to diss it, hopefully someday you'll come back to see this page finished.

Anyway, on to my old messages:

I am obsessed with tattoos, and my mind has an endless capacity for remembering which celebrities have tattoos, as well as what they have. So I thought I'd make use of this knowledge by making a web page dedicated to celebrities and their tattoos.

Angelina Jolie

Right now, they are sorted into two categories: men and women. The women section is much larger right now, because I happen to know more about that. This will focus more on actors than musicians, since tattooed rockers aren't exactly rare and there's a lot to add.

Coming soon: I'm addicted to the WWF, and so I'm making a page for all the wrestlers with tattoos. Due to space concerns, it will be on a different site. I'll add a link when it's done.


These lists are not complete at all, nor do I ever intend them to be. There are too many people with tattoos to have any kind of definitive list. So don't get mad at me if I left off your favorite person who has 10 tattoos.

Also, keep in mind that many of these people have more tattoos than shown. I am basing this on what I can find pictures of, not how many they really have. If I know for sure how many someone has, I will try to include a note saying so.

All of these pictures were either scanned by me or found somewhere on the net. Most of the pictures I found somewhere are being used with permission, unless of course I don't know where they came from. If you know for certain that a picture is yours, feel free to e-mail me and I will add a credit to you. Also, if there are any pictures that I don't have, feel free to send them to me, as long as the tattoo shows up clearly.

Please be patient with me, since I just got this page, and it will take awhile for me to upload all of my pictures and such. Thank you for visiting.

Here are some assorted tattoo links.

Here is a page about me in case anyone cares.

I support free speech on the internet!

This site was created on April 10, 1999.
Since then, I have recieved about tattoos.

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