That's me on the left and my pal Kim at the '99 Big Day Out. We've got all these (fake) tattoos. So that's what you can see on my neck and on Kim's face. I still have white star shapes on my arm(from the suntan)!! Superjesus are playing in the back but you can't see them so you'll just have to take my word for it!

Swing on in!

Helloooo!! (Seinfeld bellybutton voice) Thanks for dropping by.
Firstly, let me explain my 'name.' It's a term used in one of my two favourite (Aussie spelling!) films of all-time-"Swingers" (the other being "Clerks") So "swing on in" is not meant to have any sexual innuendos whatsoever , okay?! My homepage is full of useless information about me! My favourite films, TV shows, actors, music yadda yadda yadda. If we have the same taste-great! If not, "whatever, talk to my hand" (from Dr. Katz) Hey, I'm only kidding, of course! Check out some of my fave links. And send me any pics if you think I might like them:)
Don't forget to

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while you're at it. Please try and give as detailed responses as possible! I want to know all about you!
Please don't email me saying my page is crap cos I'm only doing this to kill time! Plus this was all done painstakingly by html-no frontpage or dreamweaver, so be kind!

Anyhoo, have fun!

Click on the arrow for the frames version(it's better!).
Otherwise, just click on the links below, to get to any of the other pages you'll have to go all the way down to the end of each page (or Ctrl+End) to see the other links! Okey dokey?

This was taken at my graduation(nah!) with another Sydney uni graduate Clive James! He's cool! He was awarded with an honorary degree of some kind. Can't remember! oops!

Some pics of Randolph and yours truly! aaaaaaaw!

Links to other sites on the Web (me and Anne!)

A Swingers homepage. A very cool homepage dedicated to the film
The View Askew Universe
Everything to do with Kevin Smith and his films. Very funny. Free buttons! Lots of images from his films.
Dr. Katz page
Complete episode guide to the frightfully funny show with lots of funny quotes to boot.
This page is gone! The ISP lost it! Sorry My fart page
Some of you may have already visited this site. Around 80,000 have already! It's juvenile, but innocent fun!

Here's the new link for an all-new Fart Page! It's not yet completed so please bare with me!
The Japanese Sumo Kyokai
The official site for the Japanese Sumo Federation. I like sumo wrestling, and that's no lie!
Another sumo page
This one has heaps of photos. Addresses of the sumo 'heya'. Looks like it was updated recently too.
Kim's Sydney Siders page all about, well, Sydney! Kim's Late Show (D-Gen) page!!!
It's cool. You must check it out! Scripts of sketches courtesy of yours truly! Man, I loved this show! ABC bring it back!!!

Sorry this isn't a link, I just liked the image! hehehe

What are you waiting for?! Check out my fave films, reviews, TV shows, actors and music among other things!

My fave films! / My fave music! / My movie reviews(A-C) / (D-H) / (I-N) / (O-S) / (T-Z) /
My fave movie quotes!(Movies A-F)
/(G-L) / (M-R) / (S-Z) / My fave tv quotes! /
My fave actors!
My fave tv shows!
/My music collection! /My fave books! /Read About (Some of) My Weird Dreams!

© 1999

This page was started in July 1999
This page last updated 28/6/05

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