At the forefront of a rising tide of violence brought on by Galbadia's war declaration is a SeeD cadet named Squall Leonhart.  Serious to a fault, Squall has earned himself the reputation of being a lone wolf.

A chance encounter with a free spirited Rinoa Heartilly, however turns his universe upside down.  Having thrived on discipline, Squall finds Rinoa's carefree attitude fascinating.  Yet there is no time to ponder these thoughts, for the jobof dealing with the sorceress behind Galbadia's irrational hostility has fallen to seeD and Squall.
Finaly I have got Final Fantasy 8.  And I just love it.  The ending movie is well worth the effort of finishing the game.  Now most pepole who have played the game say that they dont like it becouse its too realistic and dosnt fit in with the other final fantasy games in the series but all you people have to remember that every final fantasy game is eunique in its own way and this is the way ff8 is.  And if all the ff games were alike imagine how the series would get boreing becouse there would be no suprises.  Some people say that is dosnt have a good story line but if you finish the game and you understand the ending movie than you will see that it is not so bad as people make it out to be.  So enjoy the game for what it is and respect it couse it is a realy good game.
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Characters Gaurdian Forces
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