Hello, thanks for stopping by the Paul Walker Diner.


I added 39 pictures from Val. Check them out they are nice pictures. This will probably be the last update for the site, I'll leave it up but I don't have time for it anymore.

There are 15 new Joy Ride pictures, 8 new Fast and the Furious and 8 new magazine pictures.

I added a new picture page for TV appearances with 13 new pictures. Don't forget to watch TRL today!

Check out the news page asap. There is news about his daughter and tv appearances. I added 5 new The Fast and The Furious pics and 4 new misc. pictures. The contest is on hold a little longer, I don't know whats going to happen with that. I re-did the links page and made some adjustments to a few other pages. There is also a new poll ... it is a little early, but whatever.

New Fast and Furious pictures, news and a new website. Sorry I haven't have much time to update recently.

I added 1 new misc. picture, 1 new Fast and Furious and 1 new Joy Ride picture. There are also lots of new quotes.

Not a huge update, but its something. There are 3 new Fast and Furious pictures, new monthly monthly poll(finally!!) and of course, news. I have a few more things but didn't have time to get them up here. I'll update again around Easter time. So check back in a few weeks.

2-10-01 New layout, how does everyone like it? There are 2 pictues from The Fast and The Furious, 3 new Miscellaneous pictures and one new Squelch picture. Also, see the news and links pages.