UPDATED 12 January 2004

Note that the following content presented on this page very important, so please read this page first.

Design & Layout
Site Content
Concerning The Gallery
Original Material

Design & Layout

The design and layout of this site is copyrighted ©1999-2004 to Diane N. Tran, created with Jasc Paint Shop Pro and Abode Photoshop technology. You are free to print-out the site for private, personal use. All other rebroadcast, redistribution, or reproduction of this site, in whole or in part, is prohibited without prior, written permission.

In other words, I made this site with my sweat and blood, losing a LOT of sleep over it. You are allowed to print this site, as long as it is for PRIVATE, PERSONAL USE ONLY! Copying or any type of reproducing of this site, whole or in part, is stictly prohibited without MY permission -- such as HTML codes, artwork, icons, banners, wallpaper, images, etc. You CANNOT use them PUBLICLY without my OKAY. Remember, it is my sweat and blood! Hmmmmmm! Sounds tasty, all that blood and sweat, eh?


You are free to have links to this site, but I strongly request that the URL address be specificly www.geocities.com/escottish140; this is the original index page! The address www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Derby/3418 is also accepted. Please label the name of the site with its full title (if possible): The Great Mouse Detective: Disney's Underappreciated 26th Animated Film. If full title cannot be pronounced, use: The GMD: Disney's Underappreciated 26th Animated Film. Acknowledgement of such a linkage would be a wonderful courtesy for the editor of this site, but it is not required. All other rebroadcast, redistribution, or reproduction of this site, in whole or in part, is prohibited without prior, written permission.

In other words, please link my site URL as www.geocities.com/escottish140, with the full title: The Great Mouse Detective: Disney's Underappreciated 26th Animated Film -- if you can. It would be nice if you tell me you linked my site, but you don't have to. It's just something nice to do. SO YOU BETTER BE NICE!!! Again, copying or any type of reproducing of this site, whole or in part, is stictly prohibited without MY permission -- such as HTML codes, artwork, icons, banners, wallpaper, images, etc. You CANNOT use them PUBLICLY without my OKAY. Okay? Okay.


This site is suitable for general ages. Given the nature of the subject matter -- Disney, animation, Sherlock Holmes, criminal mysteries, drama, etc -- certain portions (such as Pastiches) may be unsuitable for younger children. Every attempt of severe offensive or inappropriate content is to be/has been noted, otherwise, for parental advisery.

In other words, it is over all rated G, but anything that may be inappropriate has been noted (such as a rating system) for those smuthering parents! You know who YOU are! Don't deny it!!

Site Content

This is a non-profit website. The film The Great Mouse Detective is the copyright of Walt Disney and Silver Screen Partners IV © 1986, 1992, 1999, 2003. Copyright of the characters are also copyrighted to the estate of Eve Titus and Paul Galdone's Basil of Baker Street novel series. Sherlock Holmes and content relating to the original Sherlock Holmes stories is copyrighted to the estate of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. I am not legally assoicated with the Arthur Conan Doyle estate, Eve Titus estate, or Disney (as of yet). Original artwork from this site, such in Pastiched Cast or any other section from this site, is copyrighted by the artist(s) themselves. They are MY artworks unless addressed otherwise. If by others, written consent has been acquired from all the artists and/or owner(s) of ther orginial works. Ownership and copyright has been cited to the property of these copyright holders. All other rebroadcast, redistribution, or reproduction of their material, in whole or in part, is prohibited without prior, written permission by those artists and/or owner(s). I am not profiting from any these images and/or content, copyrighted by the film or the novel series.

In other words, I am not making money off this site, it merely for my amusement! Yes, I had a lot of time on my hands! All images and other stuff related to the film is copyrighted to Walt Disney and Silver Screen Parnters IV and/or Eve Titus and Paul Galdone people. Sherlock Holmes and content related to the original Sherlock Holmes books is copyrighted to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle people. I am not working for any of the above, even though I am goaling towards Disney in the future. Artwork by me is copyrighted by ME and ONLY ME. Any other artwork (not by me) is copyrighted to the other artist(s) and used with their permission. So don't sue me, I am a starving artist living in a crazy institute. Have pity! PLEEEEASE!!!

Concerning The Gallery
Content from The Gallery is no longer permitted to be either rebroadcast, redistribution, or reproduction due to Disney copyright and abuse of privileges. You are free to print-out the section material for private, personal use. All other rebroadcast, redistribution, or reproduction of the material, in whole or in part, is prohibited without prior, written permission. If permission has be allowed, any upgrading material prior to the given written permission is not allowed to be rebroadcasted, redistribution, or reproduction until another grant of written permission.

In other words, NO MORE images are allowed to be used off The Gallery section. Why? First, they are copyrighted by Disney and I don't want to be sued for abuse and infringment in their rights. To add it simplier, I have granted a few individuals to use images from The Gallery for their websites (because that asked -- hint hint). When I grant this, you can ONLY use images from The Gallery, and from The Gallery ONLY! That means no icons, no background images, no original art outside that section. However, majority of these individuals are not allowed to use UPDATED images after the date receiving the permission. They will need another OKAY from me to do that! If don't have my permission, go look for pictures YOURSELF (apart from my site)!!! Second, courtesy -- not many people have it. People who I have been allowed to "share" have been abusing my generosity. They started taking images that were EXCLUSIVE to this site. I say EXCLUSIVE because an EXCULSIVE donor presented it for EXCLUSIVELY for this site, and ONLY this site -- and people have taken them without permission! If you want those images so badly, talk to the donor who gave it to me! The reason why I do this now, is because some of you (I won't point fingers) have abused my generosity in "sharing" these images. They were SO severly abused later on, that I had to take action! If you don't think I will notice (ie: updated images stolen), YOU'RE WRONG!!! Yes, I'm THAT good...

Original Material

Any original content on this site is copyrighted ©1999-2004 to Diane N. Tran. You are free to print-out the original material for private, personal use. All other rebroadcast, redistribution, or reproduction of original material, in whole or in part, is prohibited without prior, written permission. Copyright for original material by other authors remains with them. Contact the original author for details on rebroadcast, redistribution, or reproduction of any kind.

In other words, anything I made with my sweat and blood -- such as HTML codes, artwork, icons, banners, wallpaper, etc. -- cannot be copied or be part of any type of reproduction (PARTICULARLY STOLEN) from this site, whole or in part; it is stictly prohibited without MY permission. To add it simplier, I have granted a few individuals to use images from The Gallery for their websites (because that asked -- hint hint). When I grant this, you can ONLY use images from The Gallery, and from The Gallery ONLY! However, majority of these individuals are not allowed to use any UPDATED images after the date of receiving the permission. They will need another OKAY from me to do that! If don't have my permission, go look for pictures YOURSELF!!! That also means original content, such as icons, wallpaper, banners, etc., are PROHIBITED!!! Yeah, I just LOVE to repeat myself, I know! You have NO idea how many don't take advantage of this, and I've grown very tried of it! If you need wallpaper, icons, and materials like that, make them yourself! Don't be lazy, people! Let alone cheap! You are allowed to save and print this site, as long as it is for PRIVATE, PERSONAL USE ONLY! You CANNOT use them PUBLICLY without my OKAY. Remember is was my sweat and blood, again! Yummy! And NOBODY stealing away MY Oscar will get away! BRWAHAHAHAHAHA!


Other than providing space and Web functions, GeoCities does not endorse the content of this site. The ultimate responsibility for the content on this site rests with the editor, Diane N. Tran. I do take full responsibility as to the contents use. Or, as GeoCities says "GeoCities is not responsible for the content of any Personal Home Page, and the opinions and views expressed in the Personal Home Pages do not necessarily reflect those of GeoCities. The contents of the Personal Home Pages are not reviewed in any way before they appear in GeoCities."

In other words, I write and put whatever I want in this site, not GeoCities, who provides me the space to do it. So it is ALL ME! I take the blame for the content use -- NOT GeoCities!! If you don't like that, don't read it! Hmmm, I maybe should be a lawyer? EWWWW... What a UGLY thought! BLECK! BLECK!

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