Hiya, for about the millionth time. I'm sorry does that bother you? Too bad.* sticks out tongue*This is not Burger king you  may not have it your way( you can have it my way * evil laughter *) Anyway, before I forget to write something, I just want to say... I have absolutely no idea what this page is about or why I created it( I guess I have gone insane)! No! Don't leave it's not contageous, really. If it was do you think I would tell you?! Don't answer that. To read the little captions on the pictures(WHAT?! YOU DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT THEM?!) just put your mouse over the picture and enjoy. The bottom Mew is the homepage link.

Z-Z-Z-What?!We're on?! AHHHHHHH! What's my line?!
Wanna play dodge ball?
" Don't hurt him, you big nasty bug!"
Help,me! I'm stuck!
Don't hurt me...I'm cute!

The little specks are Gohan, Krillin, and Dende

Bow to me, I am the all mighty Purunga.
I am Piccolo, hear me roar.
Take that, nasty fly!
No Charmeleon! Don't! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!
Look out Ginyu Force, here we come!
Hi! I'm cute!
1-2-3,1-2-3,Hey I think I got this dance thing!
F*** you Cell!