
Pika, Pika, Pika-chu, Pikachu, Pika, Pika, Pi! Sparks! Get off the keyboard! * grabs for Sparks* Oww!  Pika, Pika, Chu, Pika! Get off, stupid Pikachu! No! Not thunder! Not again! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! * thud* Uhh....... Oww, hi...ya... again. *groan* Sparks was writing something, sorry. Well, the palace got a makeover. No more wavy purple background, it kinda made me feel sick when I scrolled down too fast, it's just gonna be blue now. I've added a couple of new pages to my site so be sure to check 'em out. 


Hiya! Sparks has been kidnapped by...ahem some very evil person. So if anyone has seen him please email me so I can have my cute little Pika back. I have noticed that you can't get to some of my pages. Sorry for the problem, I'll try to fix it. If anything else isn't working please tell me so I can do something about it. Oh yeah, I'm also having a fan stuff contest so if you especially like you work send it to me. The winner will have their OWN PERSONAL PAGE devoted to their stuff! So get started all you artists!


Hiya! Owwwwwww! Pika Pika! It's ok Sparks! Pikachu Pika Pika Pik! *Thud* I'm just going to give you a makeover! Pika Pika Pikachu! You'll look real cute, not that you don't look cute already! Piii! Hee hee hee heeeahh.....um uh ......I didn't mean it! Kaaaaaa! Please I really don't mean it! Chuuuuuuuuuu! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!Uhhhh.... Don't worry I'm ok. I just found out that my pages don't work, again. What is up with that huh? You stupid, mCENSORED MATERIAL. MORE CENSORED MATERIAL. EVEN MORE CENSORED MATERIAL. Whew *takes deep breath* I'm ok, really. Well I'd better get to work on my pages. Seeya!


Sorry about all the cussing I did, I sorta got out of control. I mean my computer is a moron! It doesn't know how to do anything! I have put Sparks in its Pokeball, so he won't be bothering me for a while, he he. Do you people know how to do anything? I mean you haven't signed my slambook or my message board! Are you mentally challenged or something? Do you need me to show you how? Please, please, please sign my message board or my slambook!


Wow. I haven't been here in almost two whole months. Long time no updates. Sorry but I have been doing my homework and studying alot lately. Kinda scary, I never study. Anyways I'm gonna try to fix my page over the summer so don't expect too much till then. Hugs and kisses to all.