Mr Zac's Movie Site

Welcome to Mr Zac's Movie Site, formerly Johnny Boy's Movie Site, where management hasn't changed, but it has improved. Note that this site looks best using Internet Explorer, not Netscape Navigator; it looks very bad with Netscape, a problem I do not know how to fix. Sorry.

My work's culmination is coming to light now, as I've at last gotten my lazy butt 'round to re-doing the site for A Hard Day's Night, because I have about 66 photos related to the film so far. If you have any, send them on in and I'll put 'em up. I will create a photo gallery soon, but there's also gonna be info on the film, soundtrack, songs, etc, as well. Coming soon, hopefully, but we all know that term's relative 'round here.

I've had a lot of problems with all the small things on my site lately, most notably when I tried to convert to frames, with some degree of success, but too much frustration. I returned to my original format with some trepidation. So many problems...they way things are going they're going to crucify me. There's a my old, crappy, neglected yet still-standing Beatles site called The Carpenter's Beatles, & then there's the new, wonderful Beatles MP3 site my friend Paul is quite proud of. You can download numerous MP3s there! Get yourself a Yahoo ID and join the Yahoo! Club Mp3 Sharegroup for infinite MP3s, and visit my NEW ONLINE STORE for movies and music - as of 7 AprilThen there's the ever fabulous (I'm really laying it on thick, eh) Paths of Glory (1957) site.

Other goodly creations of mine include my Charlie Chaplin site, the newly revised dedication for the quintessential silent film The Gold Rush (1925), and the site for the famous Scorsese film, Taxi Driver. My site for The Gold Rush is the most recent of the three, as it was added April 21, 2000, but the other two were added on April 6th. There's also a new Robert De Niro site, but there's not much at'all there as of yet. If you'd like information about all the updates to my site, join the newsletter via the box near the bottom of the site. You can browse me lesser sites here, but I wouldn't bother, honestly (I'm going to re-do them) :