You've got holiday mail...

from the Boettchers in Iowa. We can't wait to receive all the Christmas cards and letters from friends and relatives. Please understand that we probably won't be able read them until early into the next millennium. You see, we first have to get through all the E-mail, voice mail and Caller ID at home, the E-mail and voice mail at work and the memos and faxes at work. It's the communication age.  The only problem is that we aren't really talking to anyone face to face anymore. Don't you hate it when someone at work asks if you got their E-mail? If they can ask you that then why couldn't they just talk to you face to face in the first place.
Jack's new job in catering operations actually allowed him a little more time at home this spring to get ready for Sean's graduation party in the back yard. A little pond in the yard sounded simple enough. After all, it was already molded in plastic. Just dig a hole, dig a little more, find a place to put the dirt, level the ground with sand, put pond in hole, take it out, dig some more, cut landscape timbers to fit, build a stone wall in front of pond, run an electrical box outside with GFC circuit, run cord for water fountain, run low voltage lighting, "watch out don't dig up my clematis", put landscape rock around pond, place landscape stone around to cover plastic edge of pond, put water in pond, add goldfish to pond, goldfish die, dig another hole and bury goldfish, buy more goldfish and chlorine conditioner. Just in time for graduation.
Pharmacy Assistant Vicki is still at the local DrugTown down the street. She has expanded her hours to full time status in order that we may enjoy the finer things in life...like dining out since she's too tired to cook dinner. This fall Osco opened a drug store across the street from DrugTown bringing a whole new meaning to drug trafficking.
Sean is a now a freshman this year at the University of Iowa in Iowa City after making it through two car accidents, a senior trip to the Bahamas and his graduation in May. We were barely finished paying those bills before it was time to start buying things to furnish his dorm room.  It was indeed a tearful day for Mom and Dad as they left the dorm room this fall for Sean's first big adventure outside the family circle.  Meanwhile back at the ranch, Brian was gleefully eyeing the extra closet space,  Michael was now in complete command of the GrandAm and Kelly was able to invite her friends over without being harassed.
High school junior Michael did indeed get the car this fall but since he's not a senior, he can't park on the school lot. So he parks about 4 blocks away from school and walks to school...Only about a block less than if he had walked from home.(On inclement weather days, Vicki will follow behind him to the parking space and then drive him to school)  After school he drives about ten blocks to his job as a certified Blimpies Sub Sandwich maker to make money for car insurance, fast food and a girlfriend.
At thirteen, Kelly is blossoming into a young lady. "Blossoming" is accurately used here to describe the flowery perfume spray permeating the air as she gets ready for school every morning as music from the Backstreet Boys/N'SYNC/98º (Choose One) plays in the background. Kelly is involved in eighth grade volleyball, basketball, choir and band keeping her pretty busy until she arrives home to answer the hundreds of phone calls for herself, Michael and Brian.
At twelve years old, Brian has shot up in height over the summer to make his pant legs higher and his voice lower. As we left the young Brian in last year‘s Christmas letter the question remained unanswered,"Will Brian get a Sony Play Station for Christmas?" He did in fact get one but that is old news now that Sega has introduced the "Dreamcast" video game.  "Dad, Can we get.." Don't even ask.
As this century comes to an end, we wonder about how the world will change in the next 100 years.  Will the world keep getting smaller due to new travel advances and worldwide communication achievements?  Of course it will! Will our planet become so smart that we think we won't need a God or Christmas? No, we will need to depend on God's love even more to keep us from abusing our dissimilarities and to emphasize our collectiveness. Whatever the new century holds in store, we wish you and your family the very best Merry Christmas of this century and a best wishes for a Happy New Century.