Kaskader's Website

Don't dare to leave the site...
Sh.....shh.....sh..Darth Vader commands you to stay here....sh....hhssss....shhh...
...I'm watching you...!!!
 Hallo everybody.Welcome to Kaskader's Website! Here you will find news and pictures from 4 different subjects I like. First there is the most FANTASTIC Trilogy in the history of the cinema...STAR WARS...!!! Then I have photos of the best Greek football team which is A.E.K. After that you will find many pictures you like about the coolest POP band in the world which is SAVAGE GARDEN......!!!!!...and at the end I have a super page for Knight Rider which means Michael Knight and of course the super car K.I.T.T. So do what Darth tells you to do and ENJOY the site. I hope you will have a lot of...FUN...!!!

This site fixed and designed by +Kristofer+
Copyright 1999-2004

                        STAR WARS page                             SAVAGE GARDEN page

                                     A.E.K.page                                             KNIGHTRIDER page

If you want to communicate with me for information or something else my own personal E-mails are kaskader32@hotmail.com  and  KaskaderFJ@yahoo.com
