Arcipelago Lavezzi, estate 1972. Il 15 febbraio 1955 la fregata Sémillante, presa in una terribile tempesta a 10 km da Bonifacio, affonda con 750 marinai e soldati. Questo cimitero testimonia ancora oggi del suol tragico naufragio.
Ile Lavezzi, été 1972. Le 15 février 1855 la frégate Sémillante, prise dans un véritable ouragan à 10 km au large de Bonifacio, sombra avec 750 marins et soldats. Ici le cimitière qui témoigne encore de ce tragique naufrage.
Lavezzi islands, summer 1972. The line of graves in this cemetery is a reminder of the tragic events of the night of 15 February 1855 during which 750 men died. The Sémillante frigate had left Toulon with 350 crew and 400 soldiers for Sebastopole during the Crimean War. Heading out through Bonifacio in heavy fog, she caught a sudden gust of wind and ran aground on the reef. It is still the worst shipping disaster ever in the Mediterranean.