1982 1984 1986 1987 1987 1988 1989 1993 1993/94 1994 1994 1994 1995 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1999 1999 1999 1999 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001 2001 |
learning to play the flute Member of the childrens balett group. learning to play the accordean, performance with the childrens Orchestra "La Musica" Jazz-Dancegroup member at the grammer school Vienna Singer at the school chorus Jazzdance, schoolchorus and orchestra (flute) performance Donauinselfest with Dr. Kurt Ostbahn Speaking and actress education at Prof. Claudia Morretto Aerobicinstruktor education (German Aerbicorganisation) choreographie, anatomy, fitness, diet. Third at the Miss NÖ Workshop: Make up, Styling,... Patricia Cristoforretti Styling for Miss Austria Cooperation. "The liar" from Carlo Goldoni, Visagist and Player. Musicals "Millenium" von Prof. Morretto. Mainrole Voice and Speakt training at Frau Prof. Susanne Heidrich (Ex Singer at the Milano Scala) Christmas Concert at the Villa Wertheimstein Musical Shows: Elisabeth, Chicago, Tanz der Vampire, at the Cenario Künstlertreff 1010 Vienna. Concert Stiletto & Friends im Andino CD with Tony Bond for Emi Music Austria Kabarett-program with Florian Tuma (ex Austrian ice-skating champion, musicalsinger) DEMO CD Projekt BENCHMARK (ex singer Boygroup Back Off, TNG) Recording welcomejingels for the CCA Commercial-Award-Gala with Vincent Patrik (womensPart) Project AMCHRIAN Album Concert at the danubeshiff (500 people) CD recording for DJ Orgasmo (Austria Top 40ty) project ANITA feat. 5 (Coverband) CD recording for Beatboxxx prod. "Kaschperl hot a longe,...) Coca Cola light commercial spot for TV and radio. (Speaker and singer) CD recording for DJ Factory Concert at the galanight "Bundestagung der Wirtschaftskammer Österreich in Vorarlberg" PROJECT POPSTARS from the RTL2 channel (the only Austrian girl from over 5000 germans and autrians under the best 20, every week at that channel) CD "Eyes" for the Austrian "Licht ins Dunkle" organisation. "Fly Robin Fly" cover version CD. Bandproject Niddl! and the Showmans. Concert at a Studentsparty. Model for the Austrian newspaper "Kronen Zeitung" |