~*~ The Big Green ~*~

Larry, Jeffery, Nick, Evan: Here they come! *the birds flying over them*

Anna: I'm teaching the big kids.
All four guys: No way?!

Tak: I can burp the whole ABCs.
Anna: Oh that's a skill, isn't it?

Sheriff Tom: How many times have I told you to keep away from my car?
Jeffery: How many times did you tell us today, Deputy Dog?

Sheriff Tom: Nothing radical ever happens to this town.

Sheriff Tom: Well, I'm hoping, and I'm praying, and I'm searching, and I'm looking, and I'm eating, and I'm thinking...now that's a matter of time before you're a pearl and I'm gonna get you my little old girl.

*Anna kicks the globe up and down like a soccer ball*
Larry: Where did you learn to do that?
Anna: Prison.

Nick: Yeah, it's for foreigners.
Anna: I'm a foreigner.
Twins: Well, we're American.

Jay Huffer: They got little kids and girls on the team. This is not soccer.

Sheriff Tom: All right midgets. You better win or you're walking home.

Anna: I've been looking for you.
Kate: Small town. Not a lot of places to look.

Sheriff Tom: Hey now we got ourselves a real game.

Newt: I'm little, I'm low to the ground, I got power, I got the moves, and I'm your man.