How funky is your chicken?
How funky is your chicken?
How loose is your goose?
Our goose is totally loose?
Now come on all you sport's fans.
Now come on all you sport's fans.
And shake your caboose.
And shake your caboose.
Buffy: All I want to do is graduate from high school, go to Europe, marry Christian Slater and die.
Coach: OK people, they are psyching you out. Let's not be so defensive out there, OK? Now what do we say on the court, repeat after me; I am a person, I have the right to the ball.
Buffy: Does the word "duh" mean anything to you?
Kimberly: Buffy? What's your sitch? You're acting like the thing from another tax bracket.
Merrick: None of the other girls ever gave me this much trouble.
Buffy: And where are they now? Hello!
Nicole: You got a C-plus? I can't believe I cheated off of you.
Buffy: Excuse me for not knowing about El Salvador, like I'm ever going to Spain anyway.
Buffy: Oh, wow. I, I, never hit anyone before.
Merrick: Really? Well you did it perfectly.
Buffy: I didn't even break a nail.
Nicole: Buff, I don't see why we have to invite every single senior.
Buffy: Because it's the senior dance? It's just a shot in the dark.
Lothos: You and I are one.
Buffy: One what? Cute couple? I don't THINK so.
Amilyn: You ruined my jacket! Kill him A LOT!
Pike: Look! Air!
Buffy: Are you alright?
Pike: Well, I can't move my legs.
Buffy: Why?
Pike: Because you're sitting on them.
Buffy: Oh.
Buffy: My secret weapon is PMS.
Gary Murray: I have detention slips here and I'm not afraid to use them.
Buffy: You left me a message?
Jeffrey: You weren't home! As usual.
Buffy: You broke up with my machine?
Buffy: I've got something the other girls don't.
Merrick: And what's that?
Buffy: My keen fashion sense!
Merrick: Oh, vampires of the world beware.