~*~ A Little Princess ~*~

Capt. Crewe: What are you doing? Memorizing me by heart?
Sara: No... I already know you by heart.

Miss Minchin: Don't tell me you still fancy yourself a princess? Child, look around you! Or better yet, look in the mirror.
Sara: I am a princess. All girls are. Even if they live in tiny old attics. Even if they dress in rags, even if they aren't pretty, or smart, or young. They're still princesses. All of us. Didn't your father ever tell you that? Didn't he?

Sara: Papa? Maya told me that all girls are princesses.
Capt. Crewe: Maya... is a very wise woman.
Sara: Then it's true?
Capt. Crewe: You can be anything you want to be, my love, as long as you believe.
Sara: What do you believe?
Capt. Crewe: I believe that you are... and always will be... my little princess.

Capt. Crewe: Whenever you're afraid, or miss me terribly... just tell Emily. And she'll get the message to me, wherever I am. And I'll send one back right away... so that when you hug her... you'll really be getting a hug from me.

Becky: Sara... why don't you tell your stories anymore?
Sara: They're just make-believe. They don't mean anything.
Becky: Oh, but they've always meant something to me. There were days I thought I would die, until I heard you talk about the magic.
Sara: There is no magic, Becky.

Mr. Randolph: All the hoping... you must think me a fool.
Ram Dass: Is it your wish to be wise, sahib?
Mr. Randolph: I don't know. I suppose a wise man wouldn't have come here at all.
Ram Dass: But if he had, he would have looked more closely upon the soldier's face.
Mr. Randolph: And what would he have seen?
Ram Dass: Pain, sahib. He needs to be cared for.
Mr. Randolph: He's not my responsiblity.
Ram Dass: A wise man would remember that this soldier was in John's regiment. If his memory returns... he might tell sahib what happened to his son. Perhaps sahib would learn that John is in British hospital now wishing a kind man would take him home... away from his pain.

Sara: Look! Just what we ordered!
Becky: I'm a little scared about all of this...
Sara: Me too. Do you think we shouldn't eat it?
Becky: I'm not that scared!