~*~ Ocean's Twelve ~*~

Danny: How old do you think I am?
Virgil: 48?
Danny: You think I look 48?
Virgil: 52?

Danny: Do I look 50?
Basher: Well, you do... from the neck up.

Linus: Hey, can I ask you something? You ever notice that...
Rusty: If you're gonna ask if you can ask me a question, give me time to respond. Unless you're asking rhetorically, in which case the answer is obvious - yes.
Linus: Okay, can I ask you...
Rusty: Yes.
Linus: Thanks. You ever notice that Tess looks...
Rusty: Ooh, don't ever ask that. Ever. Seriously. Not to anyone, especially not to her.
Linus: Wait, why not?
Rusty: Look, it's not in my nature to be mysterious. But I can't talk about it and I can't talk about why. *walks off*
Linus: Oooooooooo.

Saul: I want the last check I write to bounce.

Livingston: *Linus, Basher and Turk are escorted into a jail cell already holding the rest of the gang* So, how'd it go?

Danny: What are you doing?
Rusty: Sleeping. Why are you dressed?
Danny: It's 5:30, day of. Gotta go, let's go!
Rusty: It's 11:30. The night before. *realizes he was given a prank wake-up call by Toulour* Oh! Oh he's mean. He's just mean spirited. All right, how many espressos have you had?
Danny: Five.