~*~ Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End ~*~

Jack to everyone: Did no one come to save me just because they missed me?

Pintel: No one said anything about cold.
Ragetti: I'm sure there must be a good reason for our suffering.
Pintel: Why don't that voodoo woman bring jack back the same way she bought back Barbossa.
Tia Dalma: Because Barbossa was only dead Jack Sparrow is taken body and soul to a place not of the earth but punishment the worst fate a person can bring upon himself stretching on forever that's what awaits at Davy Jones' locker.
Ragetti: Well I knew there was a good reason.

Jack Sparrow: And that was without a single drop of rum.

Jack Sparrow: Why should I said with any of you? Four of you have tried to kill me in the past... one of you succeeded. *looks at Elizabeth* Oh, she's not told you. You'll have loads to talk about while you're here.

Jack Sparrow: I once sailed with a man that had lost both his arms and part of his eye.
Gibbs: What did you call him?
Jack Sparrow: Larry

Jack Sparrow: You know, for pirates, we sure are an unimaginative lot at naming things.

Will: Barbossa! Marry us!
Barbossa: I'm a little busy right now!

Jack to Gibbs: You may throw my hat if you wish. *Gibbs throws Jack's hat* Now go and get it.

'Bootstrap' Bill: One day on land and ten years at sea. It's an awfully high price to pay.
Will: Depends on the one day.

Barbossa: There's not been a gatherin' like this in our lifetime.
Jack Sparrow: And I owe them all money.

Pintel: So change the name.
Gibbs: To what? To "nine pieces of whatever we happen to have in our pockets at the time"? Oh, yes. That sounds very piratey.

Elizabeth: This is madness.
Jack Sparrow: This is politics.

Elizabeth: Jack, it would never have worked out between us.
Jack Sparrow: Keep telling yourself that, darling.

*Scarlett and Giselle are fighting, Jack watches the Pearl sail away*
Jack Sparrow: Ladies, will you please shut it! Listen to me. *to Giselle* Yes, I lied to you. *to Scarlett* No, I don't love you. *to Giselle* Of course it makes you look fat. *to Scarlett* I've never been to Brussels. *to Giselle* It is pronounced egregious. *to Scarlett* By the way, no. I've never actually met Bizarro, but I love his pies. *to both* And all of this pales to utter insignificance in light of the fact that my ship is once again gone. Savvy? *Giselle slaps him, Scarlett slaps him, he slaps Gibbs*

Officer Groves: Do you think he plans it all out, or just makes it up as he goes along?

Will to Elizabeth: It was always yours... Will you keep it safe? *his heart*