Cole: I see dead people.
Cole gets scared about seeing another ghost. After he goes over to her and takes off the blanket)
Kyra: I feel much better.
Anna: I never told you. You sound like Dr. Suess when you’re drunk.
Malcolm: Wow, we should hang it in the bathroom.
Vincent: Do you know why you’re afraid when you’re alone? I do, I do.
Cole: We were suppose to draw a picture. Anything we wanted. I drew a man. Got hurt in the neck by another man with a screw driver.
Malcolm: Saw that on TV Cole?
Cole: Everyone got upset. They had a meeting. Mom started crying. I don’t draw like that anymore.
Malcolm: How do you draw now?
Cole: I draw people smiling, dogs running, rainbows. They don’t have meetings about rainbows.
Malcolm: No, I guess they don’t.
Cole: You said the S word.
Malcolm: Yeah, sorry.
Malcolm: So your dad lives in Pittsburgh with a lady that works in a toll booth.
Cole: I wonder if she has to pee when she’s working? Think she just holds it?
Malcolm: I don’t know. Just thinking about that myself.
Cole: Please make them leave?
Malcolm: I’m working on it.
Anna: Why Malcolm?
Malcolm: What? What is it? What?
Anna: Why did you leave me?
Malcolm: I didn’t leave you.