Virtuocity - a huge futuristic city on the other side of Cyberspace that features a business center, shopping mall, finance center, and Peak Performers at Virtuocity.
Who Is - InterNIC - The InterNIC's Whois service provides a way of finding e-mail addresses, postal addresses and telephone
numbers of those who have registered "objects" with the InterNIC. Using Whois, you can also determine whether the domain name you desire is already in use;
you can learn who administers a particular site; and you can view a list of a site's name servers.
WhoWhere? - People and Organization Search Service
World Email Directory - A worldwide online search engine for email addresses, URL, personal and business profiles.
The WED has built-in solutions for unsolicited email reduction and the service is free.
Yahoo! Computing - "Your total guide to the Web's best computing sites"
Yahoo! Get Local - pointers to local resources, weather reports, up-to-the-minute sports scores for area teams, yellow and white pages, city maps, and more.