Talon Karrde was the head of a smuggleing corperation. his co partner was Mara Jade. Their home base was on Myrkr until the Empire came looking for Luke Skywalker he was forced to evacuate. He then moved his base to Rishi. Later, Thrwan captured Karrde with a homing beacon on Jade's ship. Luke and Mara helped rescue Karrde. Because of this Karrde and Mara both thought they owed Luke and the New Republic a debt, so he and his smugglers helped the New Republic at Sluis Van and even more so at Bilbringi. Giving the Republic the ssmall advantages they needed to defeat Thrwan. Karrde then joined the Republic along with many of his smugglers, and they formed the Smuggler's Alliance. Karrde then retired and handed his whole buisness to Mara Jade. He moved to the Outer Worlds. He is still alive and it appers one day he will reapper. |