It's unusual for a film to appeal to three generations of movie-goers...a 60-year-old, a 35-year-old, and a 10-year old. This one did. Whether or not you view it as an adventure, a comedy, or an intelligent satire, you'll all laugh at the same places...we did. The plot concerns a group of actors who were formerly the stars of a once- popular sci-fi TV series, who are now reduced to signing autographs at fan-conventions...and they aren't happy! Just when they think that things can't get any worse, the entire "crew" is abducted by aliens who mistake them for the real thing. What ensues, is hilarious, as well as heart-warming. By helping these gentle aliens, the crewmembers find their own humanity....something that they had lost along the way. Tim Allen, Sigourney Weaver, Tony Shalhoub and Alan Rickman are very funny.

My friend Matt (age 10) gave it 5 Stars!

3.5 Stars