This thoroughly charming film by Mike Leigh transports us back to the theater world of Victorian England...specifically the musical world of Gilbert and Sullivan. In almost three hours, we get to see how geniuses create a work of this case "The Mikado." The actors are so brilliant that you forget that you're watching actors. Much of the credit for this illusion has to go to the writer and director, Mike Leigh("Secrets and Lies,") as well as the cinematographer, musical director, and costume designer. Even if you know nothing about the operettas of Gilbert and Sullivan, or thought that you disliked them as I did, you'll still find this film fascinating, entertaining, and very funny. In addition, it's probably the classiest film about theater since "Shakespeare in Love," its' cinematic "cousin." Everything is so authentic, that you'll feel that you've spent a few hours in another time and another place. What a wonderful experience!

5 Stars


It took a lot for me to go see a 3 hour movie about celebrated playrights Gilbert and Sullivan. But, since its on just about every critics' "Best of 1999" list and many have also picked it for the Best Picture oscar, I was swayed... And I was pleasantly surprised. TOPSY TURVY is a classy film that brings you back to victorian England and intertwines you in the lives of not only Gilbert and Sullivan, but the lives of the many actors, actresses, and family members that they affected. The acting was absolutely brilliant and it was the acting and the extraordinary dialogue that carried the film. If you enjoy theatre and/or if you enjoy the works of Gilbert and Sullivan, this one is a must see.

4 Stars