
Thank You for visiting my homepage...here you will find links to my web sites as well as link to other sites of interest...Enjoy!

I...like many otheres...have a sad and strange obssession with Star Wars(old and new).  Click on Queen Amidala to visit my Queen Amidala Shrine.

I also enjoy watching the high-flying masters of Free Style Motor Cross.
Its a freggin amazing sport and really fun to watch...especially Travis Pastrana(*drooling*).

Check out the Gravity Games website featuring Free Style Motor Cross as well as some other amazing extreme sports by clicking on Travis doing his trademark Lazy Boy!!

My favorite musican by far is Tori Amos.
Her music is a source of inspiration for me and coutless others.
Check out the offical Tori website(which has tons of links to various sites in the Tori web universe)by clicking on the picture below of the elegant Queen of the faeries :-)

"...and if i die today i'll be the happy phantom...and i'll run naked through the street without my mask on and the atrocities of school i can forgive...the happy phantom has no right to bitch..."

"To die
to sleep, to sleep perchance to dream
aye theres the rub;
for in sleep of death...
what dreams may come..."
-Hamlet Act III Sc I

Ah...Shakespeare. A masterful story teller and well known playwrite and poet...Shakespeare is one of the many reasons I've decided to dedicate my life to teaching kids to appreciate the language they abuse daily. Yes thats right I want to shape the future...I want to teach :-)

We all have things to be thankful for and I know I thank heaven everyday for my friends. Especially Jen and Justin.
Jen-if I had to choose any person in the world to be my sister I'd most definetly pick you(then I'd open a can of whoop ass on ya)but thats a moot point because I already consider you family :-)
Justin-my dear friend-always there to listen and offer a comforting word of encouragement-theres been so much you've done for me that there is no way I could thank you enough.
It would be impossible to mention everyone whose made a differnce in my life-you all know who you are...Thank You All :-)

Well thats it for now...when I think of more stuff I'll add it to this page.
Thanks for visiting!
The Force Will Be With You...Always!