SkyWalkerGirls Home Page
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«¤§k¥wä£kër Gîr£¤»®

Darth Maul banner
Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon
Ewan McGregor

The Ultimate


HI EVERYONE! HAPPY least my site is still in tact (knock on wood). Anyway, today I decided to take time out of my busy schedule to update the page for all you regulars (and for all you guys who just strolled on). Since I am really busy at the moment (looking up colleges, job etc...) I won't be able to update on a regular basis, so if you have any questions or concerns E-MAIL ME! =) But until next time...Enjoy my site=)
Well, below is a list of links to different pages on this site, click on a link to get to see some of the pages that I have created in honor of our favorite Scottish actor! I have lots of sound files and pictures and stuff, and I will soon be adding more, just be patient. I will also be adding an address incase you might want an autograph (I've tried it, and it works!) Now it's just a matter of me remembering where I put it.
Well, have fun..and by all means, tell me what you think by either signing the guestbook or sending me an e-mail=) That's all, SEE YA!
Click on one of the links below

The Trainspotting Depot
...A Life Less Ordinary
Obi-Wan Kenobi pictures
Star Wars Sounds
More Star Wars Sounds
Teaser Trailer Pictures
Link to Me!
Win My Award!

Awards I've Won!!
Webrings and Links*1 new*
I had to move all my webrings and links to a seperate page, this page was starting to get too crowded with webrings...

I am currently working on a page to give out credit where credit is due..and to handle all the legal(copyright) stuff.
Yoda and Obi-Wan

Check it out! I finally got a guestbook, please sign it.

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This site is owned by Obi-Liz Kenobi.
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Ewan freaks have visited this site since July 7, 1999

Questions, Comments, the story of your life? Write to me at

Updated January 10, 2000

Mail me

Ok guys, I am in no way connected with Ewan McGregor, George Lucas, ILM, or anything else. I am just a fan who decided to dedicate a page to my favorite actor. I am also not taking any responsability for the misuse of this media after it leaves this site..and if there is anything on this site that shouldn't be on here, be sure to let me know so that I don't get slapped with a copyright suit.(I really don't mean any harm George, honest)
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