Michael McCallum

Height... 5'-7"----Weight.....185

Hair color....Brown----Eye Color.....Hazel/Green

E-mail address....rebelpictures@aol.com


"Ruby"...Boarshead Theatre, 23rd Annual Young Playwright's Festival.
("Defense Attorney", "Man", "Marshall #2")

"The Vickie Cushions Project"...Lansing Community College Prod.
(Onstage Assistant Director)

"An Evening of Christopher Durang" (DMV Tyrant,
The Book of Leviticus Show)...Dark Night Performance, Boarshead Theatre
("Customer" and "Tommy")

"An Adult Evening with Shel Silverstein" (Bus Stop,
Thinking Up a New Name for the Act)...Meadow Brook Theatre
("Irwin" and "Prosecutor")

"The Laramie Project"...Lansing Community College Prod.,

"An Adult Evening with Shel Silverstein" (Bus Stop,
Thinking Up a New Name for the Act)...Dark Night Performance, Boarshead Theatre
("Irwin" and "Prosecutor")

"Spring Awakening"...Lansing Community College Prod.
(Assistant Director)

"All In the Timing" (Speed the Play)...Dark Night Performance, Boarshead Theatre

"True West"...Written by Sam Shepard, Creating Theatre, Lansing Community College.

"Betrayal"...Creating Theatre, Lansing Community College.

"The Grapes of Wrath"...Lansing Community College Prod.
("Striker" and worked as Assistant Director)

"Too Much Meat"...2nd Season Improvisation Troupe.
(Team "The Blue Balls" won 1st place in competition).

"Yes"...Written by David Mamet, Creating Theatre, Lansing Community College Prod.

"Edmond"...Written by David Mamet, Creating Theatre, Lansing Community College Prod.

"Big Time"...Creating Theatre, Lansing Community College Prod.

"Boy's Life"...Creating Theatre, Lansing Community College Prod.

"The Tell-Tale Poe"...Lansing Community College Prod.
("Edgar Allan Poe", and worked as Assistant Director)

"The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui"...Written by Bertolt Brecht, Creating Theatre, Lansing Commuity College Prod.
("Arturo Ui")

"Pinochio"...Creating Theatre, Lansing Community College Prod.
("The Fox")

"Marat/Sade"...Creating Theatre, Lansing Community College Prod.

"Antigone"...Creating Theatre, Lansing Community College Prod.

"Edgar Lee Masters' Spoon River Anthology"...Lansing Community College Prod.
("Tom Beatty", "Reuben Pantier", "Harry Wilmans", "Searcy Foote", "Indignation Jones", "Betterton Dobyns", ending monologue, "Old Patrick Hummer")

"Man and Superman"...Written by Bernard Shaw, Creating Theatre, Lansing Commuity College Prod.

"Scared Scriptless"...Improvisation night performed at Lansing Community College.
(Team "Green with Envy" won 1st place in competiton)

"Romeo & Juliet"...Written by William Shakespeare, Lansing Community College Prod.
("Lord Montague" and worked as Fight Master)

"Othello"...Written by William Shakespeare, 14th Annual Turner House Festival.

"SubUrbia"...Written by Eric Bogosian, Lansing Community College Prod.
("Tim Mitchum")

"True West"...Written by Sam Shepard, Creating Theatre, Lansing Community College.

"Road Through Hell"...Riverwalk Theatre.
("Lt. Dutch Nelson")

"The Fox and the Two Camping Families"...Boarshead Theatre, 19th Annual Michigan Young Playwright's Festival.
("Hillbilly Father")

"The Pretty True Story of the Menacing Math Monster"...Lansing Community College Prod.
("Math Monster" and "Mathew")


"Moment Of Silence"...Turnaroundnow Productions, Directed by Steve Oliver & Jason McCaffrey

"The To Do List"...Souled Out Films, Directed by Rudy Valdez

"Serial Dating"...Ascalon Films, Directed by Keith Jefferies
("Roger Burton")

"Something Awkward"...Four Horsemen Prod., Directed by Justin Muschong
("Nate" and Assistant Director)

"Tonic Absence"...Guards Wage Prod., Directed by Shane Hagedorn

"Having Second Thoughts"...Greenbook Prod., Directed by Brandon Bartkowiak

"A Moth To The Flame"...Zerita Films, Directed by Scott Symons

"Vows"...Guerilla Art Prod., Directed by Luke Ostrowski

"Cold Reading"...Greenbook Prod., Directed by Brandon Bartkowiak
("Al Nazak" and "Actor #1")

"Me and My Shadow"...Guerilla Art Prod., Directed by Luke Ostrowski

"Unruly Nights"...Riverman Prod., Directed by Jeff Croley
("Thane of Cawdor")

"Perception"...Two Flags and No Pole Prod., Directed by Brandon Bartkowiak

"Backspace"...Four Horsemen Prod., Directed by Justin Mushong
("Man" and Assistant Director)

"In the Darkness"...Guerilla Art Prod., Directed by Luke Ostrowski
("Gerald Rouz")

"Bites: The Werewolf Chronicles"...Brimstone Prod., Directed by Kevin Lindenmuth
("Jonas Delrich")

"Money, Guns, and Coffee"...Directed by Ken Orlich.
("Roy Watson" and Co-Director, Co-Writer)

"The Model Father"...Directed by Shane Hagedorn.
("Glenn Lownsberry" and Assistant Director)

"Under the Covers"...Rebel Pictures, Written & Directed by Michael McCallum.

"Breadstix"...Rebel Pictures, Written & Directed by Shane Hagedorn and Michael McCallum.

"Addiction"...Rebel Pictures Prod., Directed by Michael McCallum.

"Romeo & Juliet"...Directed by Greg Acuna.
("Lord Montague" and worked as Assistant Director and Fight Master)

"Chasing Sleep"...Chasing Sleep Prod., Feature film starring Jeff Daniels.

"China"...Jazzy Tom Films., Directed by Jeffry Wray.
("combatant in Karate tournament")

"Suits"...EAF Filme Prod., Directed by Ernie Fata.
("Crazy Tom")

"Walking Alone"...Backhand Prod., Directed by Ben Kelly.

"Television"...Better Than Average Prod., Directed by Brenda Harrison.

"Myrna"...Directed by Jennifer White.

"The Night Divides the Day"...Out of Time Prod., Directed by Jeff Burton.
("Kevin" and worked as Electrician and Gaffer)

"Pickles"...Better Than Average Prod., Directed by Brenda Harrison.
("the server")

"Moo U"...Shallow Pocket Prod., Directed by Mike Dragan.

"A Gift That Doesn't Belong"...Birkmen Prod., Directed by Joe Birkmire.

"Wasted"...Muddy Duck Prod., Directed by Michael McCallum.
("Drug User")

"Suspicions"...Muddy Duck Prod., Directed by Michael McCallum.
("the Boyfriend")

"Nightmare"...Muddy Duck Prod., Directed by Michael McCallum.
("the Dreamer")


"Skitz"...Local sketch comedy show, Directed by Nathan Quinn.
("various abnormal bar patrons")

"Skitz"...Local sketch comedy show, Directed by Nathan Quinn.
("Hiker" in Bastard Card skit, and "Norm Olsey")


"Emotional Barbarians"...Short script written by Michael McCallum

"Money, Guns, and Coffee"...Script co-written by Michael McCallum

"Under the Covers"...Rebel Pictures, Script written by Michael McCallum

"America Seen Through a Window"...Poetry book written by Michael J. McCallum, Published by Downbound Train Press, Edited by Michael J. McCallum

"Black Flowers & My Desire For Her"...Poetry book written by Michael J. McCallum, Published by Downbound Train Press, Edited by Michael J. McCallum

"Camoflauge For A Vagrant"...Poetry book written by Michael J. McCallum, Published by Downbound Train Press, Edited by Michael J. McCallum

"Meal Tickets"...collection of short stories written by Michael J. McCallum, Published by Downbound Train Press, Edited by Michael J. McCallum

"Poems, Thoughts and Other Bullsh*t"...Poetry book written by Michael J. McCallum, Published by Downbound Train Press, edited by Michael J. McCallum

"The Mystery of Crows"...Poetry book written by Michael J. McCallum, Published by Downbound Train Press, Edited by Michael J. McCallum

"Raven"...Poetry book written by Michael J. McCallum, Published by Downbound Train Press, Edited by Michael J. McCallum

"War & Pieces"...Poetry book written by Michael J. McCallum, Published by Downbound Train Press, Edited by Michael J. McCallum

"The Devils Are Dancing"...Poetry book written by Michael McCallum, Published by Downbound Train Press Co., Edited by Michael McCallum.

"The Sun's Shadow...and more of my Haunts"...Poetry book written by Michael J. McCallum, Published by Downbound Train Press, Edited by Leah Angstman

"Beer & Cookies...and other Morbid Tales"...Poetry book written by Michael McCallum, Published by Propaganda Press, Edited by Leah Angstman.

"Wasted"...Muddy Duck Prod., Script written by Michael McCallum.

"Suspicions"...Muddy Duck Prod., Script written by Michael McCallum.

"Nightmare"...Muddy Duck Prod., Script written by Michael McCallum.

Page written by Patrick Hipolite
Quickfile Consultants
Photo by Liisa Bergman
Last Updated 9-20-04