Piccies of me and others

I know you don't want to see a pic of me close up so it's not a thumbnail ha ha ha!

Ok, so bascially it's just me and a friend at the mo but the only reason i have those is cos my dad was playing with his digital camera, so we have loads of em.I couldn't upload all of them cos it takes ages. I'm the dark haired shorter one and my friend Alex is the tall blond one.
Obviously. They are in thumbnails so click to see bigger ones. (By the way, we are in our school uniform, we're not that sad)

I know u don't wanna see a piccie of me close up so it's not a thumbnail he he he!

Me, looking very wierd and scary. NO THUMBNAIL! HA HA! Unfortunately Alex wouldn't let me put up the close up pic of her

Me and Alex again being mardy
me and alex
Um, wierd