Garfield Jon

Wise words. . .
Of Garfield the Cat

Of course this isn't a page about MY wise words! Hah! As my friends will confirm I make a habit of frequently spouting complete and utter shite.
So, instead, I've made a page about someone I really respect. Hehe

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Expresses a valid concern:

"Answer me this...
Why is it, when they say, an adult has the mind of a child they lock them up. . . While children are allowed to run free on the streets?

Clears up a mystery of life:

"Dogs are nature's way of telling us  we could all be worse off"


"Spare time would be more fun if I had less of it to spare"

Other things:

"If I wanted a surprise, then I'd eat in the dark"

"Everyone needs a special lucky stick"

"Beware of gifts bearing air holes"
