The gnarliest game... ever.
4/24/2002: Did I ever tell you dix that I have an arcade game? I didn't, did I? Well, son of a bitch. This is Demolition Derby, a really rad game from 1984 (or is it 1985? The screen says one thing, but the display glass says another!) I tried to take some pictures of the screen while the game was running before I realized that that doesn't work and that I am a dumbass. Enjoy a M.A.M.E. screenshot from the four-player cocktail version instead. In case you are from the city or some other lame place where they don't have cool stuff, a demolition derby is a bunch of cars crashing into each other until only one is left running. That is the object of this monster as well. Each time you beat a board (Levels were called boards in the '80s. You already knew that, though) a chick would show you more skin and call you a "Radiator Wrecker" or a "Chrome Crusher". My parents bought me this for my 11th birthday in 1990. Being an only child rules.